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How would you like an extremely experienced guitar teacher to work with you over the next 14 days to...

Fix the #1 issue holding you back, help improve what YOU want to learn, and make potentially 10x faster progress?

(Watch This Quick 2-Minute Video Below to See How This Special One-Time Offer Works!)

Join me on a one-to-one Zoom call for an exclusive private guitar lesson

  • Make rapid progress as you get personal tuition from a guitar teacher of 11+ years
  • Get specific friendly feedback and a plan tailor-made for you
  • How we will instantly fix the #1 thing that may be holding your playing back (I can usually spot it right away)
  • We will even have fun jamming, and you'll learn my best tricks and licks
  • Get ALL the burning questions you have answered right away

YES DAN! Give Me Instant Access to the TurboCharger Live Coaching Call

  • A 1-Hour Zoom Call With friendly and highly experienced teacher, Dan Thorpe (Value $97)
  • A Tailor Made 14-day plan To Ensure Your Rapid Guitar Progress (Value $47)
  • Fix the #1 thing holding you back right Now (saving you limitless time)
  • A recording of the call for You To Revisit Any time (optional)
  • A free Mini Masterclass course of mine of your choosing (Value $87)
  • Plus, a follow-up call To Catch Up (Value $97)

Normally: $197

Today Just $57

One-to-one tuition is extremely powerful 

All students are unique. 

Everyone has different issues holding you back but...

9/10 times it's super hard to spot for yourself exactly what's holding you back.

You may have some idea what's going wrong, but trying to spot these issues while you're playing guitar is like trying to juggle, tap dance, and sing the national anthem at the same time!

...But once you know what the issue is, fixing it is usually actually NOT that hard. (I'll show you how). 

So let me ask...

...How good would it be to have someone pinpoint where you're going wrong, and do so immediately?

Together, we will fix any obvious issues in your playing, which will save you time, pain, and frustration.

It's easy to use, even for technophobes, and this is how it works... 

Once you say "yes" to this offer, you'll get a link to book the call.

Then it's in the diary and an email will be sent to you with a reminder nearer the time and a simple link to access the call.

In terms of technology, you only need a webcam or a smartphone and accessing the call is easy.

Get faster results than you would otherwise - here's how

I have a standard plan and checklist I use for lessons.

This means no stone will be left unturned and you'll get some big takeaways from the call.

...But I am happy for you to use the call as you desire.

Just rest assured that by the end of it...

All your questions will be answered fully and...

You will walk away with a clear plan for making faster progress than you would otherwise...

So if you want this one-time opportunity, hit "yes" below...

YES DAN! Give Me Instant Access to the TurboCharger Live Coaching Call

  • A 1-Hour Zoom Call With friendly and highly experienced teacher, Dan Thorpe (Value $97)
  • A Tailor Made 14-day plan To Ensure Your Rapid Guitar Progress (Value $47)
  • Fix the #1 thing holding you back right Now (saving you limitless time)
  • A recording of the call for You To Revisit Any time (optional)
  • A free Mini Masterclass course of mine of your choosing (Value $87)
  • Plus, a follow-up call To Catch Up (Value $97)

Normally: $197

Today Just $57

FYI – I know learning guitar and being on a call with a teacher can be scary, so please rest assured…

The call is laid back, fun, and will guarantee your progress

You don’t have to play guitar on the call if you don’t want to, and remember, you can treat this lesson how best suits you.

The call is also 100% private.

One student named Neil even asked if we could have a phone call instead (which we did) as he was brand new to guitar and needed advice and reassurance on getting started in the best way possible.

Either way, you can use the call as best suits you and I will 100% make sure this call is relaxed, productive, and fun...

So you will end the call feeling confident, excited, and with a clear plan on what to do next.

The Turbocharger call ties in perfectly with the 7-Day Transformation course and will make sure you get the absolute best out of that course...

...And therefore, your guitar playing going forward...

Examples of previous calls 

Janice just wanted to pick my brain on a few things such as a barre chord change in a Bob Dylan song.

She also wanted to chat about guitars and ask my advice on specific equipment.

Ralph wanted me to check over his playing position and posture as he was worried about getting into bad habits.

The surprisingly simple quick tip I gave him made a difference right away he said.

Angie needed me to help with the C-G chord change...

...And how to fix the issue that was causing "House of the Rising Sun" (a song she loves) to “stutter” so she could make it flow better.

Normally, this service costs $197
Today on this page you can get it for just


This never expires and you can book the call this week or in the future...

© 2022 Dan Thorpe Guitar Ltd