Thanks For Signing Up For
The No Chord Fingerstyle Class
Here's What To Do NEXT
Step 1: Please go to your email address And open up the email from "Dan Thorpe"
Go To Email Address
Open Up The Email
Check your spam or "promotion" folder. If you do not see the email, please wait 5 minutes and it will arrive.
Inside that email, you will get INSTANT access to the No Chord Fingerstyle class! Your journey to becoming a more confident, more musical, and happier guitarist will begin!
Step 2: Follow me on Social Media For Free Tips and "lightbulb" Moments
Step 3: Take the 7-day transformation challenge
This groundbreaking course is designed to give you instant fun, fix your bad habits and help you make more progress on the guitar while playing beautiful music.
The lessons you will learn inside come from my 10,000+ hours of teaching over 11+ years and include key lessons from my Fingerstyle 101 book which has sold 20,000 copies to date.
If you haven’t yet… you can check it out below:
Helping adult guitarists learn in a clear, easy-to-follow, and simple way
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