Good Choice!
You head down the “1-star” tunnel and you stumble upon a torn scroll.
It’s like the universe just handed you the blueprint to guitar greatness – or at least, the 1-star version to get you started and give you a plan.
With wide-eyed anticipation, you unravel the scroll…
…half-expecting a treasure map or maybe the secret chord that David played and pleased the Lord…
But alas, it reveals the secrets to unlocking the first star in the “5-Star Award” challenge.
On the torn scroll are the skills needed to obtain the “1-Star Award”.
“So, this is what I must do to achieve my 1-star award on the guitar.”
…You think to yourself:
“This is great. An actual plan where I can put the things I’ve spent countless hours practising… all together.”
…And you have an inkling that as you travel further, there might be something to help you put this plan together right away.
…”But what song should I learn? Why is there no scale? How do I do all this?” you wonder to yourself, knowing deep down the answers may be coming…
Continue Down the Tunnel, Ready to Reveal More Clues