Attention: Guitarists Over the Age of 50
Discover the Secrets to playing beautiful music on your guitar in less than 20 minutes per day
...Even If You've Struggled in the Past or You're New to Learning Guitar...

Want To See Game-Changing Guitar Playing Results Like These?
Day 1 - Robert Braune says:
"This is a revelation!"

Robert Braune 2 days ago
I have just completed day 1! Been playing since i was 12 and now I'm in my 60's but this was, I must say a revelation. No wonder my fingers have always been sore - I've been pressing far too hard and in the wrong place.
Day 4 - Kathy Williams says:
"Learning More Than I Ever Did With Other Lessons"

Kathy Williams 3 days ago
Awesome. I'm already learning more than I ever did with other lessons. Pace is good and explanations are clear! I'm now starting to believe I can play guitar properly, and I'm lovin' the journey.
Day 7 - Jack Mullen says:
"Exactly What I'm Looking For"

Jack Mullen 1 week ago
Just finished part 1, and it feels like baby steps; exactly what I'm looking for so... I'm not feeling too pushed, and yet not too basic. I'm loving this so far, so now onwards.

Dear Guitarist,
Here's a shocking story about why most guitarists are struggling in 2024
...And exactly what you can do about it today.
Mike was desperate.
He felt like a fraud—"too old" to learn guitar and struggling with arthritis.
His friends smirked thinking he was delusional... And even the love of his life, his wife, couldn’t resist a teasing jab when he fumbled a song at a party.
The humiliation cut deep.
He’d wasted thousands on books, courses, and tutors. All he had to show for it was a dusty guitar and a sinking heart as he told me...
I'm Dan Thorpe, I'm not a world-famous guitarist... I don't have a degree in music
...But I've taught 1000s of hours of lessons and helped countless students worldwide to confidently play beautiful music.
Dan Thorpe
"It's Like I'm Playing All The Right Notes... But In The Wrong Order"
His problem wasn’t his age, arthritis, or lack of talent.
The real issue?
No one had ever taught him proper technique and no one had given him a proper plan.
Mike didn’t want to be a "rockstar".
He wanted to play the songs he loved and fill the silence that crept into his life after their kids fled the nest.

But instead of joy he felt shame.
His beautiful Martin acoustic was gathering dust...Until our FIRST lesson where he learnt...
The Game-changing Secrets...
Most Guitar Teachers Do Not Know About
First up, we stripped away bad habits and rebuilt his technique from scratch.
I told him to stop punishing himself for every mistake.
The breakthrough was the game-changing “MPR” exercise.
For the first time, Mike played without pain or frustration. He felt the joy of jamming stunning music.
Soon he gained the confidence to jam with a buddy.
And explained how these "lightbulb moments" had given him:

"more breakthroughs in 7 Weeks
than in the Last 7 years"
One evening his wife overheard him playing a beautiful version of “Amazing Grace”.
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up.
Her eyes welled with tears of pride.
That evening, they sat in the golden light of the setting sun, sipping wine as he played a medley of her favorite songs.
They reconnected, not just as husband and wife, but as people rediscovering something they’d lost.
Mike was hooked.

The guitar wasn’t just an instrument anymore—it was his lifeline to confidence and happiness.
Now, he often plays at a local open mic, but really, he plays for himself.
And now, I’ll show you how you can achieve the same transformation.
How Many of These "Deadly Mistakes" Are You Making?
In the photo below, you will see four key mistakes most guitarists make.
Can you spot these mistakes?
Do you make these mistakes yourself?
The four mistakes are:

Over the last 14 years of full-time teaching...
I've developed a system to end these mistakes for good...
Giving my students a system for quickly achieving fast and confidence-building results.
...And all without the need for hours of endless practice.
It's Time to End the "Old Way" of Learning Guitar?

If you've struggled in the past, it's time to try...
The T.E.S.T Method
a trusted Roadmap Used By THOUSANDS of acoustic guitarists worldwide
This is the exact tool that will help you beat the "7 Deadly Sins" so you can:
"If you can tune up... You too CAN get these game-changing results"
The good news is this system takes just 20 minutes per day to apply and...
The T.E.S.T. Method is why 9/10 of my students are now HAPPY and CONFIDENT guitarists.
Find out why this will work for you even if you've tried learning guitar before but "life got in the way"...
Or if you're now an "empty nester" with more time.
I've put it all together inside of a video course and book...

Fingerstyle 101
(the New and Updated 2nd edition)

Learn ten beautiful fingerpicking patterns As used in thousands of songs...
So you can Feel the joy of playing The music you love

Fingerstyle 101 is an easy-to-follow course.
It's designed for adults who enjoy folk, pop, rock, blues, and Travis picking.
...And it's PERFECT if you want to learn at your own pace.

Simple, Structured, And Clear... To Erase Confusion And Overwhelm
There are three parts to the course.
All three parts build upon each other in a clear and logical manner.
...And each lesson will improve your finger independence...

Free you from boredom and frustration...
...And help you play "beyond the first five frets".
Part 1:
The Fundamentals
Discover The Secrets To Playing With Silky Smooth Technique

John Philcox
I've tried many books and this is more concise and really motivating.

G.L. Lynch
A gold mine of fingerstyle technique for all levels.

A. Davies
Easy to follow. It's like having a one-to-one lesson with Dan.
Part 2:
The 10 Must-Know Fingerpicking Patterns
Play Potentially 1000s of Classic Songs

Gibby H.
I look forward to practicing. Well structured and it 'speaks' to you almost as if Dan is in front of you giving you a lesson.

Anne S.
Each chapter flows logically into the next. The building blocks soon start to stack up and you get visible results.

Ulric B.
The exercises are entertaining. Definitively making me a better player, composer, and performer.
Part 3:
"Unlock" Your Intermediate Skills
Tried And Tested Lessons Taking You To The Next Level

Jim Marshall
Exactly what I need to boost my fingerstyle technique and motivation.

S. Denton
A terrific book.. A positive force in keeping those of us over 50 to keep plugin away and having fun..

Cecil Meyer
I have stubby, arthritic fingers... and I'm having the time of my life. I won't quit because of courses like Dan's.
...and if you don't know "how to read TAB"...
You'll get my clear guide to get you up and running in no time
20 Minutes Per Day To success
Follow the simple 20-minute per-day routine...
...And you'll see a big transformation in your confidence and playing ability.
Here are some typical students' results (after 20 minutes per day of practice).

This means fingerpicking beautiful music... And improving all your guitar skills.
Listen To What Our Members Are Saying:
Guitar-playing hobbyists from all walks of life have benefited greatly from this package, and this is what some have said so far:
"Love these building blocks"

"Amazed At How Little Pressure It Takes To Play A Clear Note"

"The Best Investment I've Ever Made"

The above are real comments from inside the course.
There are hundreds more like this.
You too can interact and ask questions and leave your thoughts when you get the course.
Watch And Listen To A Few Students Perform Some Of The Examples From The Course
And here's a little "medley" of some of the audio tracks you can get playing today...
get support, Help, and join a passionate community

How good would it be to get support, motivation, and encouragement from like-minded others?
Well, now you can.
Because when you get this course today... you will get instant FREE lifetime access to the Fingerstyle 101 Facebook group featuring 2000+ members.
Inside the group, you can get advice and support and ALL your questions answered by experienced guitarists.

Plus, you too can help others and share your words of wisdom.
This is the only place I know where like-minded guitarists who are aged 40-92 years old "hang out" and will be rooting for you to succeed too!

"I needed this 60 years ago"
"Following Dan's teaching has become a daily pleasure. Anyone young or 80 like me can use this with confidence."
- Ian Laing

Your Purchase is 100% Risk-Free
You see, I’ve helped over 21,000+ customers learn to fingerpick and play guitar the easier way.
By using this exact plan and blueprint, I have helped these guitarists gain confidence, play beautiful music, and cherish their time practicing guitar.
...And all for around 2% of the cost they would normally pay for private lessons!
In fact, I'm so proud and confident of Fingerstyle 101, I'll stamp it with my...
"Love it or Shove it" 90 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Here's how it works.
Order the package today. If you are not 100% satisfied with the lessons and your guitar-playing transformation within 90 days, I'll refund every penny, with absolutely no questions asked. This is my unconditional guarantee to you.
Why am I willing to make such an incredible guarantee?
Simple. I know these lessons will work if you put in the effort. I use these lessons every day, both to play beautiful music for myself and to teach my own students.
I've put my heart and soul into this course and I won't feel this is a success unless you've enjoyed playing guitar with these too...
And I mean that sincerely.
Dan Thorpe
A Simple One-time Payment
Just so you know, you will ONLY pay once for this.
We all know there are websites promising you "freebies" or a 1-month free trial, but then they secretly stick you into a program that charges your card every month.
This is NOT one of them.
There's NO hidden "continuity program" or anything like that.

Plus, If You Get It Right Now, I'll Throw In These Special Bonuses For FREE
Free Bonus #1 - The "No Chord Fingerstyle" Masterclass
play one of the "most Beautiful songs" of all time

Total Value $27.00
Discover how to quickly play one of the most beautiful songs of all time in a unique way - Amazing Grace.
Many songs taught on YouTube can take students months... BUT you can learn this unique arrangement in a day.
Get instant access to this confidence-building and popular lesson today... and you too can start to unlock the fretboard while playing a "show-stopping" song.
Watch A Snippet of it Below
Free Bonus #2 - "Supercharge Your Chord Changes"
Rapidly Improve Your Songs and End Slow Chords Change for Good!

Total Value $37.00
Did you know that slow chord changes are the main reason why most people ultimately end up QUITTING the guitar?
That's why I've created this special extra training, which features rarely taught tips.
Each simple technique-building tip will help give you the tools to rapidly SPEED up ALL your chord changes. You'll see results from day 1.
Free Bonus #3 - Fearless Fingerstyle eBook
How to play 8 stunning rarely taught fingerstyle techniques

Total Value $39.95
After 21 years of playing, I discovered that there are just 8 basic fretting hand techniques that are the secret to playing beautiful music on the guitar.
In this simple guide, which is like a sequel to Fingerstyle 101, you'll discover how to add bass runs, play two-finger chords, "legato", double stops, and much more to spice up any fingerpicking song to give you hours of jamming fun.
"This is a brilliant guide to fingerstyle playing. Dan explains everything very clearly and with examples that are a pleasure to play. I've made significant progress over the last month with this." - Catherine Pope
Free Bonus #4 - "The Ultimate Warm-Up"
How To Prevent Injury and improve dexterity

Total Value $49.00
Guitar-playing injuries are more common than most people realize...
And if you suffer from arthritis or feel uncomfortable when you play, you MUST be EXTRA careful to warm up properly.
The good news is when you do a simple warm-up, it will help you:
This simple video lesson will show you exactly how to warm up like a pro!
Free Bonus #5 - Play Three More Stunning Songs!
Learn how to play these classics!

Total Value $37.00
You will also get my video tutorials for three of the most stunning beginner-friendly songs I've ever taught.
The songs are the timeless... "House of the Rising Sun", "Deck The Halls", and "Wayfaring Stranger". All three songs are played in my unique and beautiful fingerstyle arrangements that my students love.
You will learn them in easy-to-follow HD video with complete TAB and notation.
But That's Not All!
Get my "Breakthrough Beginner" Course
To Ensure You Have All the Rock-Solid Fundamentals Nailed

This is the step-by-step course teaching you in the same way I teach brand-new beginners.
You'll build good habits from day 1, like you're a student walking into my studio for the first time.
Plus, you'll discover how to instantly fix the biggest issue that causes most beginner guitarists to quit (it's shockingly simple).
Total Value $129
...And get the Fingerpicker's F.A.Q. Podcast
To help answer common fingerpicking questions, I've just added a new bonus called the "Fingerpicker's Podcast".
In this training, I answer dozens of fingerpicking questions to help students quickly fix their most frustrating issues with immediate effect.
Total Value $27

Download Free updates For Life
Every now and then, I make some small updates to the course based on new lessons and breakthroughs I make with students.
You will get lifetime access to the course and all the updated lessons (including a recent Travis picking mini course). There are NO recurring fees, no expiry date.
Join our community and get free lessons for life!
And Here's An Honest Review From Pete (Age 74)
This is what he said after a 40-year guitar-playing absence!
Your guitar-playing Efforts will be a satisfying, enjoyable, and confidence-boosting experience!
You will no longer feel stuck or unsure of what to practice...
...And you will no longer wonder if you're actually improving.
Instead, you will play guitar with passion and elegance - even if you only ever want to play for you.
...But just imagine creating music with your kids or grandkids and forging lasting memories.
...Just like me and my son Archie, who transformed from grumpy to JOYFUL with just a few notes!

...And if your friends or family hear you play... They will watch in awe as you jam with the precision of an experienced guitarist.
Speaking from experience, I hope you can handle a lot of other guitarists' envy — because you're going to get your fair share of it.
But actually, what you'll really be getting is their...
...and a lot of people begging you to tell them your secret!
You, of course, won't mind this a bit. Your confidence in yourself will start overflowing like a dike in a storm.
And your biggest concern will be figuring out how to put your guitar down!
You'll Finally Experience Playing The Guitar As It's Supposed To Be!
Like it or not, you're going to be playing beautiful music in less time...

...and with more accuracy because of the clear and complete instructions that will give you clarity on every step you need to take - before you take it.
Playing guitar shouldn't be this hard. That's why you'll discover how to play stunning, pro-level music without having to take out a second loan!
Right, you've got 3 options!
Option 1:
"Just Wing it"
You may have some experience with guitar.
You may think you can roll the dice and get it done on your own. Most people fail, but of course, you are welcome to try this option.
Option 2:
"Roll the Dice" With YouTube
I've found most people waste more than half their guitar-playing lives trying to make sense of the random lessons on YouTube and the internet.
You can stick with those, and maybe -- just MAYBE -- you can make sense of it all.
And if you're LUCKY... you won't have the common aggravating technical flaws that slam the brakes on progress.
It's fine if you want to do this. Most people do.
Then again, most people give up... And they also spend about 3 to 4 TIMES longer trying to learn the guitar.
Option 3:
Get A Proven, "Sure Thing"

Have a plan that you simply need to follow ONCE...
...Get everything you need ONCE...
...Finish each step ONCE.
Avoid wondering if you are doing it right.
Be able to see what you're supposed to do in clear detail, so you KNOW you got it right at each stage.
And when everything comes together, it comes together PERFECTLY.
Every note, every pluck, every chord fitting together PERFECTLY.
And VIOLA! You'll have stunning music at your fingertips that sounds like it was played by a seasoned professional musician.
And best of all, you saved money ... saved time ... had fun ... and avoided a load of stress.
Here's what to do now...
Go ahead and try my Fingerstyle 101 package for yourself, completely RISK FREE.
Get a special discount price today
In addition to how much you'll love "Fingerstyle 101”, you'll also like the fact that it's affordable.
You see, I'm giving a SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE to guitarists like you who are on this page right now.
For everyone else, when I decide to raise the price, this course will cost $297.
And the bonuses will be sold separately.
But if you order today at the introductory price, the price is as little as $37.
That's an INSTANT $260 savings just for ordering right now.
Plus, you also get all 6 special bonuses I described a moment ago — a $260 value, absolutely FREE.
And, you're fully protected by my guarantee.
To get your copy, simply click the “Add To Cart” button below...

Here's What You Get When You Order Now:
You get instant access to the 10 fingerpicking patterns, the technique-building lessons, and the intermediate lessons to take your playing to exciting, new heights.
Get $340 worth of time-limited bonuses if you order today. Bonuses include: “The Ultimate Warm-Up", how to "Supercharge Your Chord Changes", and even more stunning songs to learn.
Get easy-to-follow note-for-note instructions and the specifics most people miss. Use at your own pace in a confidence-building manner.
Access to a members' area inside the course AND the Fingerstyle 101 Facebook community. You can access both 24/7 on any device.
I've recently added the Travis picking masterclass, which you get 100% free. That's just one example.
You get a special introductory price if you order today, backed by an ironclad 100% money-back guarantee

Video course, Bonuses
*Instant access to the video course and bonuses + Free Shipping of the Fingerstyle 101 book anywhere in the U.S.
video course, bonuses
*Instant access to the video course and bonuses + immediate download of the Fingerstyle 101 eBook.
**One-time payment. No hidden charges.
(I reserve the right to end this introductory price at any time without warning)
P.S. Your purchase is backed by my 100% risk-free, unconditional money-back guarantee. If you're not thrilled within 90 days, get a full refund.
P.P.S. Act fast! This limited-time offer won't last—once the deal ends, the price goes up. Don't miss out!
I struggled with guitar too, but now I teach it full-time with a passion for helping those learning later in life.
I’ll teach you better technique, how to reduce tension, and help you learn faster, so you can enjoy playing with more ease.
I've taught over 120 students in person and 1000s more around the world. They are mostly aged 40+ and many believed they were "too old" or didn't have the "natural talent". Those who stuck with the guitar all went on to do wonderful things - so you can rest assured it will work for you too.
If you're ready to invest time and want an enjoyable, easy-to-follow guide, Fingerstyle 101 is for you—whether it's for personal enjoyment, jamming, or performing.
Just A Handful of the 100s of five-star reviews of the 1st Edition For Fingerstyle 101

Your Questions Answered?
You will get the Fingerstyle 101 video course, $240 worth of exclusive bonuses, the online community and Facebook group, plus your choice of either:
- The Paperback version of the book (with free shipping).
- The PDF, which you can instantly download.
And remember, it all comes with my no-questions-asked 90-day money-back guarantee to put your mind at rest.
This is like no other course I've come across. You only have to see the countless testimonials on this page to see how this book can transform your playing.
You will find highly motivating lessons, a focus on REAL technique in detail (which sadly most teachers gloss over), and a solid step-by-step plan for improving your fingerpicking, rhythm, musicality, and more.
The bottom line is the course will give you results so that once you get up and running, you will truly fall in love with playing the guitar.
Simply try the book/course, enjoy the bonuses, and if you don't like it, just contact us and we will immediately refund you.
Honestly, I believe in this so much and know it will be a game changer for you, but if it is not for you for any reason, we will ensure you get a prompt refund.
Our website is as secure as can be. You can pay via PayPal or credit/debit card and we use ThriveCart to process the orders.
This is an established payment processor used around the world to process millions of dollars of payments so you can rest assured your private details are safe.
Yes. I do not promise miracles (I will leave that to others), but I am vastly experienced at turning frustrated guitarists into real guitar players.
This is a step-by-step course and the bottom line is this...
As long as you practise and do exactly as I teach, you will make progress in every area of your playing... meaning clearer chords, faster chord changes, better tone, fewer mistakes, a stunning repertoire of fingerpicking patterns to play, and the ability to play beautiful songs and music.
It takes practice, of course, but simply follow the instructions and you will see these results.
I've found my students learn best using a combination of the video lessons AND the book.
...And there's a lot of scientific research to show that most people learn best via BOTH video and written text.
That is why I am offering you the video course and your choice of PDF or paperback for Fingerstyle 101.
...And I am doing so at a massively reduced price. Simply put, I want you to see game-changing and real results starting today.
The lessons will help you get results and start building up good habits immediately.
In fact, the very first tip will help you instantly end the "Death Grip", meaning your fingers will be less sore right away.
In terms of big results, I ask students to practise these methods for 20 minutes per day, 5-7 days per week. If you do that, within one week, you'll see a noticeable difference in all your playing, and over the coming 2-3 months, you'll feel like a new guitarist.
Remember, though, you have to use the lessons to make the progress you desire.
Although this course is for all guitarists, my steady, step-by-step approach really resonates with those who are aged 40+.
We focus on beautiful fingerpicking music and how to play styles such as 60s folk, classic pop, Travis picking, acoustic rock, and many other wonderful fingerpicking styles.
If you are learning a little later on in life, and want a confidence-building clear and concise method, this is for you.
As You Can See...
No Stone is Left Unturned in Helping You Overcome the Hurdles That Often Come With Learning the Guitar as an Adult
The Question Is, Are YOU Ready?
Get your copy today...

Everything in Fingerstyle 101 is organized from the ground up so you can... just "pick up and play"
I've made this course as inexpensive as possible. I want to get it in the hands of as many fingerpicking guitarists as possible.
To summarize this offer, today, you will get the Fingerstyle 101 full HD video course, plus $240 worth of exclusive bonuses and you can choose to get either the:
1) The Paperback version with FREE delivery in the U.S.
2) The PDF version, which you can begin reading instantly.
© 2025 Dan Thorpe Guitar Ltd.
*The BBC study on brain health was created as part of The Twinstitute series - Episode 4 of Series 1, first aired in 2019