Thanks for getting Fingerstyle 101 – If you would like to get my book, Guitarists Get Theory, free and delivered to your door, read on…
Make more progress with your fingerstyle and acoustic playing in less than 30 days than you may have all year…and in only 20 minutes a day
If you want to get the closest thing to one-on-one tuition that I can give you along with…
…My most important course, best lessons, all organised in an easy to access place and using scientifically proven methods of learning, then this may be for you…
If you are 40+ know this – you can make more progress in the next 30 days than you may have all year.
From the studio of guitar teacher, Dan Thorpe
Hi, I’m Dan Thorpe.
Guitar playing is not easy and I am NOT going to pretend it is.
You cannot learn to play this thing properly in “5 easy steps”.
What I can tell you though, is that over time, I have developed a unique method that has helped the playing of over…
…120 real-life beginner and intermediate fingerpicking and acoustic guitar students…
…In a way that required 20 minutes per day of practice (yes, it takes practice).
Improve your playing, have more fun and learn just like my private students do
The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy is a programme which you can cancel anytime.
It costs a fraction of the price of one-to-one lessons with me, but with many of the benefits.
It features new lessons each month, my most important course, expanding on the ideas from my books and with more depth…
Inside, you will learn the same way I teach private students.
Who is it for?
I don’t exclude anyone, but the following describes most members.
- 40 years + (one member is even 92 years old) – as that’s just who my teaching appeals to.
- Either frustrated/confused/stuck beginners or early intermediates looking to progress.
- Learning purely as a fun hobby for themselves – often to relax and wind down with, like with a glass of wine or a cold beer.
- Fingerpickers, strummers, and acoustic players (such as blues, folk, and other good guitar styles).
- Looking for a clear path forward. If you can’t make heads or tails of other lessons out there, the simple lessons here will help.
Get a FREE paperback copy of my book, Guitarists Get Theory, delivered to your door (worth $47).
In a moment, I will tell you exactly what is in the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy but know this, when you join…
You will get a free paperback of Guitarists Get Theory which will teach you…
All you need to know about practical theory for guitarists and how to learn the notes on the fretboard.
This book sells for $47 on Amazon (which is less than the cost of one guitar lesson but often far more valuable).
The book works perfectly with the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy because it will help you tie everything together in your playing so you fully understand what is happening.
This will save you time and make things more enjoyable.
Most people have no clue on how to learn this stuff but this guide will show you what you need to know and how to put it all together in a clear and concise way.
Check out how these specific lessons can take your playing from being able to play elegant, beautiful music in an enjoyable, laid-back manner.
Below is a small list of some of the things you will discover in the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy.
- The step-by-step lesson on creating beautiful fingerpicking music, which helped the great James Taylor sell over 100 million records, called “Ornamentation”.
- What you should stop doing immediately to improve your chord changes, which most guitarists never fix – causing bad habits and slow progress.
- How to improve the crucial “3Ps of Guitar Playing” to erase sore fingers and revitalise your playing. It takes most guitarists years to discover these, but you can fix these in 7 days or less.
- Learn 25 of my private students’ most loved fingerpicking songs – all ordered in levels, so you know exactly which will suit you at this time.
- Exactly what to do about fingers that are so sore they feel like they have been burnt to a crisp on a BBQ. No, the answer is NOT the typical “let them toughen up”. I show you exactly what to do instead.
- Discover the wonderful “sticky fingers exercise” that will increase your dexterity and stretch – especially important if you are over 40.
- The easiest way to learn the “12-bar blues” authentically in the style of Leadbelly, Clapton, etc. using my simple blues mini-course where you will learn to “stack” the layers, and play turnarounds, etc…
- How to play the “Boom-Chick” Travis picking pattern – the signature sound made famous by the likes of Chet Atkins, Tommy Emmanuel, and Merle Travis.
- The simple tip that singers from the Berklee School of Music use to train their ears to a world-class standard in just a few minutes per day.
- (Coming soon) 101 guitar tips from the legends of the guitar. Learn Clapton’s greatest trick, the Paul Simon “secret sauce”, how Paul McCartney likes to fingerpick, and more.
- Plus, the “Great Big Ear Training Quiz”, the single most important lesson to help you STOP plucking the wrong strings, learn 25 classic guitar riffs through the years, and more…
- … And enjoy the benefits of the Members Area, get discounts on all courses and eBooks, discover the exact way to get started with a metronome, and so much more…
What exactly will you get when you join?
When you enter the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy home page, you will see clear links to the following areas…
A getting Started/Orientation guide to help you begin with confidence and hit the ground running.
- If you find technology confusing, don’t worry, here you will learn exactly how to use the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy.
The “In Focus” Essentials Course to fix the most important issues that 99% of beginners struggle with.
- My most important course, which is the exact plan I use with private students to help fix their playing issues such as sore fingers, slow chord changes, and more…
The 30-day plan – so you know exactly what to do for the next month and beyond.
- Get a 30-day plan made for your skill level (beginners and intermediates). The plans are flexible and can be adapted. As part of your membership, I’m also happy to create a custom plan for you.
Learn 75 stunning songs with the “Playlists”.
Learn the most beautiful fingerpicking and strumming songs as well as classic riffs with the “Playlists”.
- 25 Fingerpicking songs
- 25 Strumming songs
- 25 Classic riffs
Discover the “Quizzes” to learn more using a fun & scientifically proven method of learning.
- Science has proven that quizzes are a great way to learn and here you will get tested on the key subjects using the same tests I give private students.
Take a “Two-minute challenge” to improve a key area no matter how little time you have
- Testing you on many of the key skills such as ear training, fretboard, rhythm, fingerpicking, chords, and more – there are over 30 – a great way to practise when you are short on time.
Keep motivated using a proven method with the “Leaderboard”.
- Earn points and move up the Leaderboard for taking part in the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy. (The software tracks this automatically), and the winner each month gets a prize delivered to them (it is NOT about skill level so do not worry if you are not a confident player yet).
Plus, there are new lessons on the 1st of every month.
- EVERY month, you will get a brand new set of short, time-saving, and to the point lessons… Plus a time-sensitive, members-only exclusive bonus (more on this in a moment).
Get my biggest, best and most in-depth course ever for FREE
My In Focus Essentials Course is my magnum opus in many ways.
It is the most important course that I have and the one that I wish I had when I started. It would have saved me years of frustration.
Soon, this course will be for sale at $197 at least, maybe twice as much more. Yes, it is that valuable.
As a Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy member, you get it for free while you are a member.
This course ties in with the 30-day plans and everything else in the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy, meaning it is even more powerful than a standalone course.
Here is a little about what is in the course.
Each lesson is in full HD video.
The Three P`s of Guitar Playing
- “The Three P`s of Guitar Playing” – Part 1: Posture
- “The Three P`s of Guitar Playing” – Part 2: Positioning
- “The Three P`s of Guitar Playing” – Part 3: Pressure
- How To Play With Less Pain And Discomfort
The Chord Changing “Jump Start” Series
- Part 1 – The Fundamentals, Technique, And The Most Common Issues And Chords
- Part 2 – Muscle Memory, Air Changes and Practising Chord Changes With A Click
Improving Your Fretting Hand Hand
- Learn How To Play The “Walking Exercise”… And How It Can Transform Your Technique
- The “Sticky Fingers” Exercise To Increase Finger Dexterity
Improving Your Picking Hand
- The Power Of Economy Picking
- The “Octave Jump” Exercise To Improve Fretting And Picking Hand Accuracy And Co-Ordination
The Fundamentals Of Rhythm
- Getting Started With Using A Click…The Simpler Way
- Counting Rhythms And Playing In Time: The Basics
Aural Training
- “Ear Training 101″
- Practical All Round Ear Testing And Training
- Intervals
The 10 Step Essentials Of Fingerpicking
- Part 1 – The Absolute Basics For Starting Out As A Fingerpicker
- Part 2 – Making Music And Learning Two Great Patterns
- Part 3 – Developing Further, Fingerpicking Chord Changes and More Patterns
Specialist fingerpicking
- The “Boom-Chick” Travis Fingerstyle Technique
Blues – Essentials And Beyond Jump Start Course
- Part I
- Part II
Learning and Progressing
- The T.E.S.T. Method (A summary of my teaching style)
This is what other students say…
“I am almost 70 and have taken to catching up on my teenage novice playing days.
Now, after almost 6 months…
…The clarity and simplicity of Dan’s methods continue to make me want to go on and on…”
“I am probably just another in a long line of students that simply want to say thank you.
Since joining I can now say that I am improving because you have somehow put it all together for me.
I now see that there is daylight at the end of this long dark tunnel of doubt I have been down. It is finally happening.”
“The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy is amazing! Keep up the astonishing work, you’re the best :)”
If you lack confidence and think “this will never work for me”, fear not, as even a 92-year-old is enjoying the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy!
You probably want to play for yourself (rightly so) and keep your brain sharp.
Most of my students are NOT bothered about becoming pros, just playing the guitar and making beautiful music, while having some fun.
Most members are 40+ with about half busy at work and the other half retired.
I made the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy work for both types.
Remember, if you don’t have a teacher and are learning on your own, you are not the only one. The other members and I are here every step of the way, encouraging and motivating you all the time…
More thoughts from students…
“I am very impressed with your teaching style.
You explain everything really clearly and do not lose me on the way.
It is note-for-note tuition and this is EXACTLY what I need.
You have obviously taught many students over the years and it comes over. “
Ian Avery
“That lesson (the 3Ps of Guitar Playing) has opened up a whole new world for me. Excellent work!”
“Hey Dan, you are awesome. Keep up the motivation! As soon as this email is done, I am going to go put a few hours of practice in.”
Imagine where you will be 30 days from now
Maybe it’s a few weeks from now, maybe a whole month.
Imagine sitting in your garden enjoying the warm scent of summer and sipping an ice-cold beer while listening to the radio.
You hear a song that reminds you of your childhood and you quickly grab your guitar and start playing it.
You play it with rock-solid confidence hearing how great it sounds and feeling truly comfortable playing it.
The neighbours even compliment you on your playing and as you put your guitar down for the evening, you smile to yourself feeling great about your playing.
You know there is a lot to learn but you feel excited and look forward to practising, knowing you will make progress and have fun every single day.
There is no catch – cancel anytime
There is no commitment to stay, but I do hope that you’ll love it so much that you stay in the programme and this will be the start of a great relationship for years to come…
BUT, if not, no worries, unlike how some people tie you into a 12-month contract…
You can cancel anytime, no questions asked.
The Boldest Guarantee in the World
As well as an easy way of cancelling, I also guarantee your guitar playing will improve in 30 days.
If not, you get your money back with my 30-day guarantee.
Simply email me and I will refund you right away. There will be no hard feelings and no need to return the book.
With that said, it is important that you do NOT sit on the fence, since…
Time is of the essence because each month there is a bonus set to expire
On the 1st of each month, I send out a new video to existing members. In it, I demystify a guitar technique in a short, sharp and practical video which is less than 10 minutes in length.
This is NOT a fake deadline (like you often see on the internet) as the email with the lesson goes out ONCE…
…Only to those already enrolled BEFORE the 1st of the month.
If you join after, you will miss out on the bonus for that month.
You can even get your membership for FREE
Many guitarists join the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy because current members have told them about it.
Now, I want to reward anyone who refers other members.
Refer someone and you will get a free month of membership.
All organised in one easy to access programme and more cost-effective than lessons
Get 160+ past Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy lessons – all of which you can access online, easily, anytime. (You can’t do that with private lessons).
The cost of all of these items separately is worth $1554…
…but you get it for $37 per month.
I am British, but the price is in US dollars simply because 70% of members are from the US and most people around the world understand how US dollars convert to their own currency.
If you want to join, you will “lock-in” at this price forever, even when the price goes up for future members.
Where else can you get all this for less than the price of a few posh coffees a week?
At $1.23 per day, it is inexpensive but ONLY if you use it.
If you are NOT committed to practising regularly, you can keep trying on your own while “Father Time” keeps on ticking, but whatever you do…
…Don’t have regrets because in my experience…
…Those who succeed on the guitar, and in life, make a commitment to themselves and they realise that getting help and support is the best way to succeed at anything.
These can be Olympic champions, football players, chess grandmasters, Michelin star chefs, and of course, legendary guitarists.
Remember, you don’t get any extra points for struggling and learning guitar on your own.
The best get help and support as they know it will shave years off the learning curve and can make the journey more fun.
If you are NOT willing to commit a little and give yourself the best chance to succeed on guitar, I would say…
…Frankly, don’t waste your money, because there is a place for you…
…BUT, in all honesty, it is probably not this membership.
If you enjoy your playing, enjoy practising and don’t take it all too seriously, you will be at home here…
Now it is time to decide if you want in or not.
Once you click “add to cart” below, you will be sent an email with your login details to my site where you can access the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy immediately.
If you have any questions or issues, email me at
The Guitarists Get Theory book will be sent right away, and you will get instant access to the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy.
The Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy costs just
$37 per month
If you want a 20% discount on the above price, you can get one by paying yearly rather than monthly. Click here to order a yearly membership.
P.S. Achieving your guitar goals takes practice, but like Michelangelo painting the Sistine chapel – it happens one brushstroke at a time.
If you doubt yourself or tell yourself “I’m not good enough”, realise…
You are not the only one thinking this.
We all have doubts.
Every single student I have ever taught told me that they doubted themselves and wished they had started learning younger.
I believe the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy contains all a student needs – this includes the most effective lessons missed by most, proper coaching, a real book delivered to your door, a support network, and lots more fun, exciting, and useful ways for you to enjoy learning guitar.
Above all, YOU will become a better guitarist who will have more fun on this amazing but sometimes frustrating instrument! If you’re as excited as I am, join today and let’s start this amazing journey together! – Dan Thorpe
Frequently Asked Questions
I am 65 and have struggled on and off with guitar for a while. I like your teaching, but will this work for me at my age?
Age does NOT matter. 65 is not old – we have a 92-year-old beginner as a member, and he is doing great. If he can do it, you can too.
Can I cancel the program whenever I want?
Yes. Whenever you want. I make it as easy as possible for you to cancel.
I’d like to join, but I’m concerned about my privacy and have been stung before.
100% of the content and communication in the Dan Thorpe Acoustic Academy is behind a private, password-protected paywall. All payments, emails/data are completely safe, and all data is completely encrypted using the latest SSL technology.
I’m worried that I won’t have the time to utilise it.
That is one of the reasons why the lessons are clear and concise and why I have built-in time-saving principles such as the “Leaderboard”, “Two-minute challenges”, and more – all to help motivate you and keep you on track.
If I cancel before my year or month is up, will I get a refund?
Yes, of course. You WILL get refunded for any time paid for but not used.