Revealed: A free mini-course for frustrated guitarists age 40+ needing clear and concise lessons, and fast results

FREE 4-Part "Secrets" video series | FIX YOUR BAD HABITs:

The Beginner Guitarists 21-Minute

Kickstarter Mini-Course

What You'll Learn

How to INSTANTLY end the curse of the "Death Grip" forever...

...So you can speed up your chord changes, and play without pain or finger soreness.

Discover how to make EVERYTHING you play "flow" like a pro...

...Meaning no more awkward pauses, slow transitions, or songs that "don't sound like actual songs".

Rapidly IMPROVE your finger dexterity with an unusual super simple exercise anyone can do...

...It will help you "unlock" the fretboard, play barre chords, and make big brutal stretches a thing of the past.

How to have more FUN and play one of the most famous tunes ever...

It's just 8 notes long, it's incredibly famous, and I'll show you how to play it in just minutes.  

here's what to expect

From This Super Focused Mini Workshop

Dan Thorpe


Start Today | Don't wait 


Dan Thorpe

Get this turbocharging mini course taken from my 11+ years and 10,000 hours of teaching guitar full-time to adult students just like you.

Follow the simple instructions and just like them you can be on the road to more enjoyable guitar playing, ending your frustrations, and having 10x more fun starting today.

For a strictly limited time only

  • Perfect if you value your time and you want the simple secrets to quickly "unlock" the fretboard, turbocharge your musicality, and play your songs like a seasoned pro, starting today.
  • Have you been successful in your career and other hobbies but found the guitar a challenge? If so, join 1000s of other like-minded students making rapid progress.
  • Discover why most courses you’ve paid for aren’t worth the money and how these four unusual lessons will help you transform your guitar playing journey.