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Would you like to know...
How to "fast track" your guitar transformation starting today where you will...
Play Barre Chords With Ease, Fix Slow Chord Changes, Jam the Blues, and Play Beautiful Songs...

Would you like to make even more progress with your guitar playing for a short, medium, and long-term transformation?
Now, I know you probably do NOT want to play on stage in front of 1000s.
If you're like me, you no doubt just want to pick up the guitar at the end of the day and play the music you love - for yourself.
...And if you follow the Breakthrough Beginner course, you will be able to do this.
You see, 9/10 students are having big success with the Breakthrough Beginner course...
...BUT every now and then, some students take the course, make lots of progress, but fall back into old habits.
It’s like when someone hires a personal trainer.
They often shed a tonne of weight, then they STOP seeing the personal trainer and the weight goes straight back on.
For guitarists, this means they may start off well but then stop using the lessons and end up getting back into old, bad habits - despite getting off to a great start.
...That usually means frustration and the guitar possibly ending up in the attic gathering dust.
...But what if we can ensure you make progress and NEVER slip back into old habits?
After teaching over 120+ students in person and 1000s more just like you around the world...
I've found there are four keys to guaranteeing their and your long-term success on the guitar.
I call these the:
The “Four Pillars of Guitar Success" ™
These four pillars are:
These are the four things that ALL of my most successful students have learnt to do over the years.
...And I've found they are the keys to you being able to stick with the guitar...
Have hours of fun for yourself every day, and maybe even leave your family and friends in awe when they hear you play!
So I've created four game-changing courses on these exact subjects.
If the Breakthrough Beginner course is the map helping you on your journey...
These four courses are like the high-powered performance sports car driving you there.
...Before I tell you about these courses, I want you to know this...
Anyone can achieve guitar-playing success. Why? Because of this ONE reason...
Getting good at guitar is not about "talent".
It's about focus, momentum, and the right lessons.
If you have those, your long-term transformation will almost be guaranteed.
These four step-by-step video courses are designed to ensure that will happen for you.
...And because I want an amazing LONG-TERM transformation for you...
On this page, you can get these four "pillar" courses today at a discount price.
I call it the "Fast Track" bundle because that's exactly what it is...
Inside this special bundle...
You'll discover the most impressive guitar techniques that will make playing guitar an absolute joy for you - for many, many years to come.
Yet, you'll be able to uncover these techniques in a fraction of the time most guitarists do (if indeed they ever do).
So, read on to find out how The Fast Track Bundle will help you...
Get Possibly The Biggest Breakthrough You've Ever Had On The Guitar
...Here's what's inside these game-changing courses...
Fast Track Bundle Course #1...
Ninja Chord Changes
Rapidly Transform, Improve, And Speed Up Your Chord Changes Once And For All
Regular Price $97

Struggle to play songs smoothly? Are slow chord changes killing your progress?
If so, now you can finally master the "dark art" of chord changes once and for all. You won't find the lessons here taught anywhere else.
Discover the unusual but simple lessons inside, including:
Join 1000s who have used this course to make rapid progress and ensure no song or slow chord change trips you up - ever again.
"I'll get right to the point... I have struggled with chord changes for years. This course though is fun to practice and you will get results. You will learn more in this course for less than you would spend for a professional lesson or two. Very well taught, easy to understand and highly recommended!"
- Larry Arsenault
Fast Track Bundle Course #2...
The Ultimate Guide to Barre Chords
Discover the simple secrets to playing barre chords without pain, frustration or hours of toiling away!
Regular Price $187

Mastering barre chords is NOT about pressure, power, or even perseverance.
Most people get this backwards, which causes pain, soreness, and even injury.
The good news is, anyone can play barre chords comfortably - even if their fingers are short, stubby or arthritic.
It's about the right techniques and in this course, you'll discover:
Barre chords take practice, but this detailed step-by-step course contains the exact roadmap, and the exact lessons you need to play them properly.
"I began with the F chord 4 months ago, but within a week of doing this course, I now need less than half the pressure needed to make it sound clear. I can't believe it. Working with your course gives me great pleasure!"
- Brigit Denker
Fast Track Bundle Course #3...
The QuickStart Blues Collection
How to play stunning blues guitar that anyone can learn and that will give you hours of endless fun
Regular Price $171

Most of my students love to play the blues...
Even if they never listen to it.
Simply because the blues is fun to play, easier than you think to learn, and instantly recognisable. The guitar is perfect for the blues and so many blues techniques crossover to other styles!
Now you can transport yourself back in time to the legendary smoky blues clubs and play this stunning style of music.
In this course, you'll discover:
Everyone instantly recognises the blues. The blues is like an onion as there are always more layers to peel. This means it's almost impossible to get bored of playing this style and that means endless guitar-playing fun... forever.
"The 12-Bar Blues shuffle really moves my soul…eagerly awaiting next lesson" - Barry
"Love this technique, just like the old blues men." - Mark
"This is SO MUCH FUN – I have this going through my head all day – SO MUCH fun to play!!!" - Logan
Fast Track Bundle Course #4...
The Most Stunning Songs Collection
How to play 10 wonderful songs that anyone can learn to give you confidence and stun any audience
Regular Price $217
I always say learning five songs is the first big goal everyone should aim to achieve.
Well, here you have ten stunning classics to choose from - all taught in a super simple way,
You'll learn the stunning melodies, how to fingerpick these songs, strum them, and jam them in a super impressive (yet simple to learn) solo fingerstyle manner.
In short, this course will save you 100s of hours browsing around YouTube looking for good songs to learn.
I've already road-tested these songs and arrangements with countless students over the years, so you can quickly play some of the most beautiful songs of all time.
Here's just a handful of the stunning songs you will learn in HD video and with complete TAB and notation:
...And more classic and incredibly popular songs.
The above are just a few of the most popular and well-loved songs I've ever taught. This is what a few students have said about the songs taught in the course...
"This is so lovely. Really going to enjoy this one. Well done Dan another fab lesson." - Angela
"Can’t tell you how excited I am about learning this song Dan!!! Anxious to get part one down so I can dive into part two Thanks again for all you do for us late guitar bloomers… you have no idea the joy it brings to have someone like you who is dedicated to teaching us old farts!!!" - L. Smith
"Love it, I’m learning it by each section as you describe it. Well motivated. Thanks. I can hear myself getting better." - William
Today, you can get all four of these courses in this unique bundle at a discounted price.
I even take you by the hand and show you how to use the bundle for maximum results.
And just so you know...
There is NO catch!
Just a simple one-time payment
This is NOT a sneaky trial or anything like that.
There's NO hidden "continuity program" or anything like that.
It's a simple one-off payment, and it comes with...
My 100% Money-Back Guarantee you will love it

If you don't like it, you get all your money back...
Simply ask in 90 days and my team will give you an instant refund.
...But today you can start to realise your guitar dreams and it can happen now.
The way I see it, most guitar courses are like being given the keys to a Ferrari.
…But the Fast Track Bundle will help you drive the Ferrari smoothly, joyously, and confidently for the long term with less time and effort.
So if you want to play the blues like Clapton...
Jam barre chords as smoothly as Hendrix...
Change chords like a pro...
...And learn some of the most stunning songs ever…
Then these four courses will give you this.
Each course reveals lessons that are not taught anywhere else out there.
To buy these courses separately, it would cost you $699.
...but for a very limited time, you can get them with lifetime access for just $87
Simply because I want to guarantee your current and future progress.
So if this sounds like something you want, don't hesitate because this offer is not available anywhere else...
Yes, I want Instant Access To
The Fast Track
Bundle NOW!
YES DAN! Give Me Instant Access To The Fast Track Bundle
RIGHT NOW for Just $87
Total Value: $699:
You get it all today for:
© 2022 Dan Thorpe Guitar Ltd