Watch NOW: In the next few minutes Discover four secrets 99% of guitarists NEVER learn as you will find out...

Guitar Secret #4

How to Have More Fun Playing a Super Simple and Famous 8-Note Riff

A Quick Summary of Secret #4:

  • Secret #4 - Have fun playing real tunes. Simple melodies such as "Beethoven's Fifth" are a blast to play and will help you improve your technique without needing boring exercises. Play it on the A string (string 5) and on frets 10-10-10-6 and 8-8-8-5.

Remember to check your emails in the next few days for more powerful tips from me (Dan Thorpe) that can help you improve the "5Gs" of your guitar playing. No spam and your privacy is 100% guaranteed.

Special Offer - get started with Breakthrough Beginner today

I hope you found the above videos useful.

They are simple nuggets of advice but they will make a difference to your guitar playing.

Just make sure you USE the lessons from above. 

Most guitar teachers will NEVER teach you what you have learnt above.


Most people just don't know these lessons, and the good guitarists who do know the lessons, simply learn them through "trial and error". 

That is NOT the way to learn guitar - unless you want to waste years and decades.

If you would prefer a clear and smooth path to playing the songs you love and doing so with joy...

...And so you and anyone who hears you play get chills every time you play a piece of music...

You can do so below with an extra special deal I have on my Breakthrough Beginner course right now:

If you order today, you will:

  • Play stunning fingerpicking songs, blues riffs, and famous melodies - all taught in easy- to-follow HD video with full TAB and notation.
  • Specifically created for adult students age 40+ - join a like-minded community, bring more joy to your playing, and make daily improvements with a clear and concise plan.
  • "Unlock" the fretboard and discover EXACTLY what to practice to improve all of your songs, musicality, motivation, and technique.

90-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee

Try it for 90 Days - 100% RISK-FREE!

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